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* Only individuals with license numbers beginning with A, B, or C are allowed to solicit business.Â
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Eduardo Salazar
President Salazar Investigations
Elvira Saldana
Private Eye Investigations
Mario San Roman
San Roman Investigations
Swan Legal Services LLC
Administrator; Licensed Private Investigator; Certified Process Server Swan Legal Services LLC
Howard A Savage
Alpha Investigation Research Services
Emily G Schwing
Bearden Investigative Agency, Inc.
Joseph C Seanor
Cyber Private Investigations
Lance Sloves
Computer Forensic Services, Inc
Bradley Smith
Paul McCaghren and Associates
Karl Snow
Purple Mountain Associates
Fabian A Soto
Ray, Pena, McChristian, P.C.
Joel J Stein
Arcturus Star Investigative Solutions, LLC
Terry M Stembridge, Jr.
Active Investigations, LLC.
Jessica C Stephens
Stronghold Risk Management LLC
Jamie Sterling
Insight Investigations LLC
Anna M Stowe
Proven Private Investigators
Drew Sustaita
LINUS Investigations and Consulting